Just bought this after some recommendations and praises for this product. Gonna use this tomorrow and see the after effects of my hair. My hair seriously needs some moisturizing! Hope this product will improve the condition of my hair and I will definitely recommend to others if I do feel that its worth buying.
There are two ranges, the nuance airy and the rich premier.
Probably after using this, will consider the other one. Just to try. Will see..
I'm engaging myself in school activities this holidays and went to two hospitals to have an educational visit. Hmmm. Still prefer the pharmacy compared to the laboratories in hospitals. I have my reasons of course. Will want to continue in the pharmacy course after getting my diploma, and there is already a school that I have in mind. I'm thinking of attending more workshops this holidays, organized by SAS(School of Applied Science). It's so bored staying at home and I do not want to rot.
Talking about rotting. I visited my dentist last friday and he told me I will need to extract two wisdom teeth at the back of my lower jaw, and you guys know how expensive it can be to extract one, it cost around $500 with one extraction. He adviced me to do it within the next few years as it wouldn't be so painful when I'm still young, if I'm going to do it in my thirties, its gonna be more painful. Probably will do it within the next two years. If I don't extract them at all, the two molars will rot. He said; rot!!
Talking about today; went to novena hoping to get formal wear for sis because she will be starting her attachment at a bank next monday, but to no avail. Novena is not a place to shop.
totally nothing. Hop down to AMK hub instead and had some finds. Hope she's satisfied with her buys. =)
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