went for dental appointment in the noon and dentist told me that if everything's ok by next month, I'll be able to remove the braces after 2 months! Yipee! Thereafter, lunched with sis at Ice Monster at Plaza Sing( we had Fresh Mango with Strawberry Sherbet ) and she also went to get her laptop bag for $19.90, and i'm glad it fits as her screen is rather big compared to other laptops. Sis went back and I went to city hall to meet Darren and walked around a little, but both wanted to catch a movie but GV at Marina had such a long queue; so decided to head to Cineleisure for Definitely Maybe.
the movie:

After the show, we wanted to go to the washroom, but Cineleisure had a long queue, so i suggested going to Heeren. On our way there, we saw a roadshow by Singtel for student plans. I keep wanting to change my M1 plan as the offer really suck - 300 sms and 100 mins free only and without free incoming calls. I really needed more smses and Singtel had a better offer - 1000 sms and 200 mins outgoing( only for the 1st year, 2nd yr onwards, 100 mins outgoing ). I was deciding whether to change my plan or not, but you have to purchase a cellphone in order to sign a plan, my dream phone was there, and it cost $58 with 2 year plan sign up but you have to trade in your old phone for $100, and so I did, I traded my W810i for $90 as they said theres some defects with the buttons, and so I paid $68 plus $10( for 2 screenguards ) - total $78. wanted to get the havana bronze one but they are only left with black. So, black it is. =)

and my day was enjoyable. =)
cool fone.....wah..can trade at such good rate....not a bad offer afterall...actually u shld switch to student plan instead...at least for this 3 yrs u call from sch is free de..haha...from singtel.
yup=) using student plan now.
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