16th Sept
Met with Shannon at Far East and some catching up to do with her. Girls love shopping dont they? She got herself 2 leggings and 2 geeky specs for her niece and nephew while I've gotten myself two caps. Which is nicer? the black or cream?
Lunch was at somerset 313 having tako balls and honeydew snowshake from each a cup.
19th Sept
Went to Shannon's church. It's my second visit this time round.
After the service, went to get eskimo's milk tea for me and sis. I love their mini pearls! =)
chewy, chewy, chewy!
24th Sept
AMK hub with Shannon, main priority is to get KOI bubble tea..
Shannon got herself a pair of shoes at rubi, I wanted to get the brown wedges from there but in the end I didnt.
Went to get KOI's milk tea for sis and myself. $5.80 for Caramel and Hazelnut milktea, $2.90 each. Kinda pricey?
25th Sept
Suki Sushi with the lovelies~
Hope everyone enjoyed the food! =)
I enjoyed the food, but when I got home, I puked the sashimi out.. Maybe never put enough wasabi. I still feel Ichiban is better.. =) but suki sushi is good enough for me..
gonna meet Yin Fong and Shannon tomorrow for step up 3! =)