caught P.S I Love You. and it's really a sweet movie, but kinda sad though. wanted to watch Juno but tickets were selling fast and we went to GV(PS) and the person told me 1st 4 rows, so didnt wanna watch, then went to cineleisure and tickets were sold out, so we caught P.S I Love You. I'm into horror, comedy, romantic and maybe sometimes cartoons. but dont ask me to watch thriller or action-packed. im not into it. anyway, our show starts at 7pm and we bought the tickets around 2plus. so during that time, we went to have lunch at LJS and also some shopping. oh no, been spending too much-this means more work on weekends. actually the money im spending comes from my hongbao, so its alrite. and guess who i saw today? saw andrea(cousin) at topshop today and just realised that he's from a cheerleading team. the shoes in topshop is very expensive, so dont buy.. design not that nice too. buy from charles and keith instead. So, the shopping story continues.. dearest sis and i went to wisma to shop 1st and we both got ourselves a top from flesh imp, hers is written: " come sin with me " while mine is just a simple plain dress. after that, she asked me whether i felt that people might misinterpret the meaning of it and i thought so too, so after 3 hours we left the shop, we went back again. thereafter, we went to taka, kinokuniya and sis bought a book. i prefer going to the library as it is cheaper, but will not hesitate to buy if i feel the book is worth buying though. went to heeren's new urban male and got ourselves 2 halvianas. hers is $39.90 while mine is $29.90. been wanting to get it for so long but its kinda out of my budget. wanted to get one below 30bucks and there i saw it. NUM also help us to pin the sliver thingy( i dont know what's that called ) FOC. went to get some accessories from heeren too. sis been wanting to get a bottle for herself as she lost hers but couldnt find a suitable one. i got 2 products from the body shop as well from PS. today the dentist was so gentle and i dont know why, probably because he hasnt seen us for 1plus month already; and he told me that my braces will be out either in may or june. =) thats all for now. lets the pictures talk!
the movie:
recent products i've got from the body shop.
white musk body mist spray.

bergamot body wash.

blusher in a different colour tone.

alrites.. thats all for now.. work tomorrow for SingTel roadshow. my legs are aching.