all my tests are over, but my exams are approaching though...the 2 tests i've taken can be a little challenging, probably because it's the last test. anyway, have started to revise for my exams quite some time ago. maths is a need to practice as i want to maintain an A. as for general microbiology, i hope that i can get an A too. havent received my test results yet, but really hope that i will excel in the final exam. this means a lot to me. anyway, after the exams i will be resting, shopping and hopefully i can find a job. wanna get a bag and a pair of shoes. been saving up and hope the amount that i've saved will be enough for me to buy those. there should be remaining too. dont want to use my red packet money. must save up. things are getting on fine. will update more after my exams.
12 march - laboratory mathematics exam
14 march - general microbiology exam
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
happy new year..

my new year is kinda bored..actually was supposed to go to my father's relative side tomorrow, but it was lesser hongpaos this year, but my mum doesn't have to give also. anyway, tests are coming up and have been busy preparing for them, but so far everything's ok. went for an activity called team building yesterday, it's actually a combination of two courses interacting with each other and it tend to be a little bored. the coach that my team had was quiet and didn't mingle alot with the members. next monday and tuesday will be analytical chemistry and laboratory safety and practice tests respectively and has prepared for them, but still, need more revision to boost my confidence. after the two tests, i will be busy preparing for my two exams, laboratory mathematics and general microbiology. will be staying up late revising for both the modules. having BBQ tomorrow at my aunt's place. cant wait for the holidays, will be doing some shopping..=)
Friday, February 16, 2007
tests, tests and more tests...
just completed my general microbiology test just now and still have to take my laboratory mathematics test later. it starts at 230pm and i have 4 hours break. can actually take this time to revise though. my analytical chemistry practical lesson is cancelled probably because of the test. can you imagine, the teachers actually want the tests to be held just before chinese new year. not like secondary schools, they have concerts and celebrations, but for us, it's just a normal school day. tomorrow's reunion dinner will be held at my auntie's place and i hope it will be fun, will get to see my baby cousin. will be having steamboat tomorrow and hope that i'll be able to eat most of the food, due to my braces i may not be eating some. and defintely no bak kwa for me. it's too hard. because of chinese new year, my mum has been baking cakes for selling and giving. she baked 4 cakes for my neighbours. she's really kind...and i think she has a lot of orders this year. hope her business will be good even after new year. hope will receive more ang paos this year. the first day of new year dont really know whether will be going around paying visits, but most probably will be going to my uncle's place. then after that, steamboat at home. the 7th day of new year will be paying visits though.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
yea..laptop has finally arrived..
my laptop has finally arrived. and it's a compact presario 3000. the laptop is given free to us as we subscribed to maxonline from starhub. it has a widescreen. anyway, the internet has not been fixed and i'm waiting for my brother to come home and fix it. will be going to Semakau island later and will be going there by ferry. think when we are coming back later, the bus uncle should drop us at harbourfront mrt station and hopefully he will=) because it will be convenient for me; the NEL=) anyway, things are ok and finally completed the comm skills project last week. will be revising throughout the weekend though it's Chinese New Year because exams are nearing. i shall stop here. ciaoz..
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
hello.. just stayed at home and revised for my general microbiology. did a few revisions over and over again and guess i am prepared for the test next friday. there will be 2 tests next friday and will do my best for them=) anyway, didnt go out today as exams are approaching and must stay home and really revise for the topics. hope that everything will turn out well and i believe in when you sow, you will defintely reap. still set for my goal to go to simgapore polytechnic to study my desired course. biomedical science. hope by next year, really can get in. chinese new year is coming and i think i'm kind of prepared for it, prepared to receive red packets. dont really know how it will be like but i will take time to study during chinese new year, as i said, my tests and exams are coming up. cannot delay when it comes to studies. things are going on fine. will update asap. ciaoz!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
jus realize i can't even take bread. was eating croissant yesterday and had difficulty biting it. can you imagine it? the bread is so soft and i still have difficulty biting into it. therefore i have to actually use my saliva to wet it before swallowing it down. i really hope that the pain will be eased after one week. i have to abstain from solid food for one week. so porridge for this week is a must. the pain wasn't too bad after all, at least i have my painkillers with me. but i cannot keep relying on them. i will take 2 every morning for this whole week. i dont want the pain to be unbearable. i realize that the side of my mouth is having ulcers and the doctor told me i can use a thing to actually stop the braces from touching my mouth. the braces is quite sharp at the side. but he only told me i can use at certain position. so i dont know whether i should put that thing there or not. it isnt that serious though. will be having analytical chemistry practical assignment tomorrow and actually have already prepared for it. but hope the test will be quite simple. general microbiology lesson is cancelled tomorrow due to the cross country at east coast park. wont be going for the cross country as i think the practical assignment is more important. dont want to have to retake it on a later date. anyway, it's only on liquid-liquid extraction and it should be easy using the soxhlet apparatus. the morning lesson is cancelled tomorrow and i only have to be in school in the late morning. after the test i will be free, but have to do some revisions for the upcoming tests next week. lab maths and general microbiology tests are all on the same day. hope that i can complete my revision by sunday. then next saturday will be chinese new year eve, which i will be having reunion dinner with my family and my aunt's and my uncle's family. by then, i should be able to take solid food, but maybe not too hard. must really take care of the braces. it's not cheap. next month must really do well in the exams. 12 march-laboratory mathematics. 14 march-general microbiology. during chinese new year will have to sleep later in the night. need to revise a lot of work, but i know i can make it. will do my best. there will be 2 days of holidays, on monday and tuesday so i can burn the midnight oil on weekends. i still have to study for my laboratory safety and practice test which falls on the 27 of febuary. then after this test, i think the module should end. same goes for my laboratory mathematics and general microbiology, after the exams, the module will end. and by next term, i will be taking different modules and also promoted to year 2. i really hope i will be selected for the environmental workshop organised by NEA. wanna learn something about the environment and maybe apply it to my daily life. not sure if i will be selected or not but if really possible, i hope to attend the workshop during the two days-17 and 18 march. during the march and april holidays, dont really know what to do, hope can find a job. maybe realwork by that time? realwork is basically working in my school. one hour-$5. if there is, i will surely apply. that time got apply and was chosen for the realwork but i decline it, as i was taken ill. so i gave the oppotunity to my friend. but this time, i will surely apply and hope i get chosen. if there isnt any realwork, then maybe i'll ask my friends for lobang. hope i can a good job during the holidays. but i will surely be shopping during the holidays. want to get certain things. so been saving up. need to get bags and shoes and some accesories. by the way, hope that tomorrow will be a success for my test. ciaoz!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
just made braces yesterday and truthfully speaking, it wasn't as painful as i thought it would be. but the process was quite long though. chose white for the top and yellow for the bottom. and the changing of colour will be a monthly thing. but the dentist told me to sustain from eating curry as it will fade the colour of the elastics, and eventually will leave a mark there on the tooth. he gave me 2 toothbrushes and told me how to use them. i find it a little hard brushing teeth after putting on braces but everything's ok. have to eat painkiller before the pain starts. but it's ok. need to have a soft diet for 1 week. so porridge for dinner for this whole week. started to take muffins yesterday. but i hope i can have my favourite croissant today morning, but i didn't, was thinking if the brackets would drop if i took them. but maybe i will try later in the afternoon. so have to skip lunch for five days. wont be having lunch in school. they all sell solid food. actually they do sell porridge in one of the cafeterias, but i think it's kinda salty. so i shall skip that=) but it's for 1 week only, so eventually i can have steamboat during chinese new year, but no more sweet stuffs during this period. gonna go for lessons already. ciaoz!
Monday, February 05, 2007 sch today, having break but a little bored. GM phase test is going to be at 1pm so kinda slack now. because have been studying for it during the weekends. anyway, hope it'll turn out fine. going to put braces tomorrow and wonder whether it will be painful. anyway, this chinese new year wont be having sweet tooth. must really take care of my teeth from now on. No sweet stuffs for me after tomorrow. i've decided to put the sliver colour one on top and yellow below, to what my mum susggested, she says it is a lucky colour for me. wanted to put purple below. but it's ok, since i get to change it every month. anyway, i'll be looking forward to chinese new year and hope that this year will be a better year than the last. my mum has bought me quite a number of clothes. really thank her. anyway, i have to do some research. will update again. =)
Friday, February 02, 2007
back agn..

it has been a long time since i've blogged. been busy with my studies. cos exams are nearing and really cant find time to update and all. anyway, things are going on well and really hope this coming holidays, i will be able to meet my primary and secondary school mates. hope they can find time for me too. will be having two practical assignments next week and gotta go prepare my notes! ciaoz!
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